Siòng-phīⁿ tī it kiú bat it nî hip--ê, tô͘ sī ùi Wikipedia lâi--ê.照片拍攝於1981年,圖片引用自維基百科。
Tī it kiú lio̍k lī nî ê sî-chūn, Ed Roberts sī thâu-chit ê tiōng-tō͘ chiòng-gāi chiá, Ed Roberts mā hō͘ ta-ke kóng sī thui-chìn chū-lip seng-oah ê thâu.在1962年,愛德羅伯茲是第一位就讀於柏克萊大學的重度障礙者,愛德羅伯茲被公認為自立生活之父。
Thih-hì sī chi̍t ê hong kah ba̍t-ba̍t-ba̍t ê thih tháng-á, chiap chi̍t ê phòng-phù, lâng tò leh tháng-á--lāi, chhun chi̍t lia̍p thâu leh gōa-kháu. 鐵肺是一個連接著泵的嚴密封閉金屬筒,病人躺在筒內,只剩下頭部露於外面。Thih-hì sī chi̍t chióng hū-ap ho͘-suh ki, ē-tàng pang-chō͘ bô hoat-tō͘ ka-kī chhoán-khùi ê lâng suh khong-khì.是負壓呼吸機的一種,能夠協助喪失自行呼吸能力的病人進行呼吸。Tô͘ sī ùi Wikipedia lâi--ê.圖片引用自維基百科。
Ed Roberts siōng khai-sí chhiòng-gī sī tī i tha̍k ko-tiong ē sî-chūn, i chòe ê chhéng-goān.愛德羅伯茲最早做為一個倡議者的角色,是開始於他高中的時候進行的請願。I ê ha̍k-hāu kóng i bô hoat-tō͘ sái-chhia mā bô hoat-tō͘ chò ūn-tōng, bô ài hō͘ i chhut-gia̍p.他的學校因為他無法完成駕駛及體育的課程,而不願授與他學位。I chhéng-goān seng-kong, sūn-lī chhut-gia̍p--liáu, i khó tio̍h Berkeley Tāi-ha̍k.在他請願成功,獲得學位後,他成功的申請上了柏克萊大學。Ah m̄-koh in-ūi i ê chiòng-gāi, kah i su-iàu ē hú-chō͘ ke-si, i beh tòa tī hak-hau ē sok-sià tio̍h tú-tio̍h chin-chōe chó͘-tòng.但因為他的障礙,及他所需的輔具,他在住宿上遇到了阻礙。Tī hit tang-chūn tī Bi-kok, tāi-pō͘-hūn ē só͘-chāi lóng kóng lán bô hit ê chîⁿ, mā bô khó-lêng kan-na ūi-tio̍h lí tio̍h khì chhòng--sàⁿ, lâi khì kā lí kū-choa̍t.在當時的美國,大多數的機構都會以「沒有資源」跟「沒有辦法只為了你做調整」等理由拒絕障礙者。M̄-koh Ed Roberts bô siūⁿ beh thun--lo̍h-khì.但愛德羅伯茲並沒有接受這個現況。
Ed Roberts kah chi̍t-kóa kâng khoán sī tiōng-tō͘ chiòng-gāi ē ha̍k-seng chhē tàu-tīn, cho͘ chi̍t ê lûn-í chhia-tūi (Rolling Quads),愛德羅伯茲和一些同樣重度障礙的學生一起組成一個團隊——輪轉小隊(原文Rolling Quads),hō͘ Ed Robert chhōa thâu. Che sī Berkeley Tāi-hak thâu-chi̍t ê ū chiòng-gāi ê ha̍k-seng ê thoân-thé.並由愛德羅伯茲領隊。這是柏克萊大學的第一個障礙學生團體。In hō͘ ha̍k-hāu ê khoân-kéng piàn kah khah bô chiòng-gāi, mā tiû-pī chu-kim the̍h-kiong chi-chhî ho̍k-bū, hō͘ ū chiòng-gāi ê ha̍k-seng ē-tàng tī hak-hau chū-chú seng-oa̍h.他們的行動讓校方迫於壓力進行了無障礙校園的改善,同時他們也籌措資金,提供支持性服務,使得障礙者能在校園裡自主生活。Lûn-í chhia-tūi hoat-khí ê sin-sim chiòng-gāi ha̍k-seng kè-ōe (Physically Disabled Students Program) sī thâu-chi̍t ê hak-seng chhōa thâu ē ha̍k-hāu cho͘-chit.輪轉小隊發起的身心障礙學生計劃(原文Physically Disabled Students Program),成為第一個由學生領導的校園組織。Bóe-āu Berkeley chū-lip seng-oah tiong-sim (Berkeley’s Center for Independent Living) ê sêng-li̍p, tio̍h sī siū-tio̍h sin-sim chiòng-gāi ha̍k-seng kè-ōe ê éng-hióng.而身心障礙學生計劃後來也催生出柏克萊自立生活中心。
Hit-tang-chūn taik-hai-á tī it kiú chhit khòng nî, Berkeley chū-lip seng-oah tiong-sim sī thâu-chi̍t ê kā ta̍k-ke kóng chiòng-gāi chiá èng-kai ài chhiūⁿ it-poaⁿ ê lâng án-ne, ū kâng-khoán khoân-lī ê cho͘-chit. 在當時——1970年代——柏克萊自立生活中心是第一個倡議障礙者們應與非障礙者們一樣享有同等的權利的組織。Ed Roberts hō͘ ta̍k-ke chai-iáⁿ, chiòng-gāi chiá m̄-si kan-na ē-tàng chiàu pa̍t-lâng ê an-pâi, ah-sī kan-na ē-tang chiap-siu pa̍t-lâng ê si-siá.愛德羅伯茲讓大眾們理解到,障礙者不是只能逆來順受或被動的接受他人的施捨。in kah it-poaⁿ ê lâng kâng-khoán, ē-sái ū ka-kī ê siūⁿ-hoat, kè in hi-bāng ê seng-oa̍h, i sêng-kong kái-piàn tak-ke chìn-chêng ê siūⁿ-hoat.而是如同非障礙者們,能夠自主選擇他們所想要的生活,他成功的翻轉了這個概念。
Chū-li̍p seng-oa̍h ê khài-liām自立生活的概念
Independent Living is a philosophy and a movement of people with disabilities who work for self-determination, equal opportunities and self-respect. ——引述自Independent Living Institute (ILI)
Chū-li̍p seng-oa̍h sī hō͘ chiòng-gāi chiá ē-tàng ka-kī chòe koat-teng, ū pêng-téng ê ki-hōe, ū chū-chun ê seng-oa̍h ê chi̍t chióng khài-liām kah ūn-tōng.自立生活為一種使障礙者能為自己做決定、擁有平等的機會、能保有自尊地生活的精神、運動。
Siáⁿ-mih sī chū-lip seng-oa̍h自立生活是什麼
Independent Living means that we demand the same choices and control in our every-day lives that our non-disabled brothers and sisters, neighbors and friends take for granted. We want to grow up in our families, go to the neighborhood school, use the same bus as our neighbors, work in jobs that are in line with our education and interests, and start families of our own. ——引述自Independent Living Institute (ILI)
Independent Living does not mean that we want to do everything by ourselves and do not need anybody or that we want to live in isolation. ——引述自Independent Living Institute (ILI)